WATCH: Game update adds wheels in Overwatch, fans appalled

Along with the Uprising seasonal event launch, Blizzard also added a new PvE (player versus environment) mode to Overwatch. While the mechanics of the mode itself is fine, one glaring detail about the stage design has caught the attention of players.

A thread on Overwatch forums called “THE NEW PVE MODE IS TOTALLY UNPLAYABLE!!” pointed out this wheeled vehicle to other players.

Image: Forums

Image: Forums

Image: Forums

Image: Forums

Image: Forums

Image: Forums

Image: Forums

Image: Forums

The expressions of disgust are all in jest, of course. Having wheels on one vehicle does not hurt the gameplay in any way. However, it does tend to distract the player from being immersed in a future world supposedly filled with flying cars.

According to Jeff Kaplan, game director, Overwatch has only one arbitrary rule: “Every car must fly.” This was implemented as one of the lessons learned from Blizzard’s cancelled “Titan” project. A Los Angeles Times article previously reported that this move by Kaplan was done to help remove tension from the staff due to frustrating constraints, most vividly a ban on “flying cars” in the Titan Project.

In any case, it’s either there’s a very legitimate lore-connecting explanation for this wheeled monstrosity to be in the game, or Blizzard will soon be switching it out in an upcoming patch with a flying version. JB


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