Facebook to start hiding content from users who spam posts
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Lets face it, the term “oversharing” is pretty much prevalent in social media these days, particularly in Facebook.
It’s good to keep updated with the latest happenings in our friends’ lives, but sometimes too many unnecessary posts just leave a bad taste in people’s mouths.
Facebook is looking to end that dilemma once and for all, as it announced a new update to its news feed.
In an effort to make feeds more “informative,” the social platform will now filter and hide posts from users who frequently spam with clickbait and sensationalized articles.
“…[W]e are making an update to help reduce low-quality links in News Feed,” Facebook’s official statement said.
“Our research shows that there is a tiny group of people on Facebook who routinely share vast amounts of public posts per day, effectively spamming people’s feeds,” it read.
“Our research further shows that the links they share tend to include low-quality content such as click-bait, sensationalism and misinformation. As a result, we want to reduce the influence of these spammers and deprioritize the links they share more frequently than regular sharers,” it added.
Furthermore, the new policy applies to links for individual articles and domains, but videos, photos, check-ins and status updates will remain unscathed.
Aside from filtering unwanted posts, Facebook is also expected to roll out a new Discover tab for Messenger, which will make user engagement with chatbots and brands much easier. Khristian Ibarrola /ra
Facebook looking at behavior to weed out fake accounts