WATCH: ’Thor: Ragnarok’ trailer recreated using household items

Movies like Marvel’s upcoming “Thor: Ragnarok” cost millions of dollars to pay for all its actors, logistics and special effects.

Yet a small team of YouTubers recreated the trailer using items found around the house, along with a lot of creativity.

Obviously, a lot of cardboard boxes were repurposed for the two-and-a-half minute long clip. Metal wires propped up “floating” objects, and miniature cut outs were shot in place of more panoramic scenes.

Image: YouTube/lennoxasaki

While the costume and props wouldn’t exactly win awards, the camera work was spot on. Played side-by-side with the Marvel trailer, the homemade one matched the scenes in each stride.

Image: YouTube/lennoxasaki

The clip was the brainchild of Ákos Varga and credit is due for this entertaining video.

“Thor: Ragnarok” opens in cinemas starting October 25. JB


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