Latest FB photo filter features ‘Bong Go selfie, groufie’
Screengrab from Harvey’s Facebook page
Facebook users may now have the chance to have their photo taken with President Rodrigo Duterte’s right-hand man, Christopher “Bong” Go.
This is through the latest photo filter now circulating on social media.
Article continues after this advertisementThe feature is available if you use the photo filter with your current profile picture.
One Facebook user, Harvey, tried this feature with his current profile photo.
Go, who is the special assistant to the president, was tagged as a “selfie king” when he posed with world delegates who participated in the recently concluded 31st Asean Summit held in Pasay City from Monday to Tuesday.
Article continues after this advertisementHere, Go was game to have selfies with US President Donald Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
The selfie photos of Go were screengrabbed from his own Facebook page. /jpv