WATCH: iPhone X unlocked by woman’s 10-year-old son using Face ID


Another video has surfaced of an iPhone X Face ID being unlocked by someone other than its owner. This time, the owner of the phone is a mom, and it was her 10-year-old son who was able to unlock it.

The video featured the woman first demonstrating that the iPhone X Face ID had been registered to her. She then handed the device to her son. Without so much as a pause, the iPhone readily granted access to the boy.

According to Wired, the woman, Sana Sherwani and her husband Attaullah Malik, made the surprising discovery right after they got the new iPhone at their home in Staten Island, United States.

Their 10-year-old son Ammar had been excited to see the new gadget and borrowed it from his mother after Face ID was set up.

“There’s no way you’re getting access to this phone,” Sherwani told their son as recalled by the older Malik.

To their surprise, the device immediately granted access to the boy.

“It was funny at first,” Malik told Wired. “But it wasn’t really funny afterward.”

He added, “My wife and I text all the time and there might be something we don’t want him to see. Now my wife has to delete her texts when there’s something she doesn’t want Ammar to look at.”

Wired suggested re-registering Sherwani’s face to Face ID. They did so several times. The first try completely locked Ammar out of the iPhone. In their second attempt, they replicated the initial registration indoors with nighttime lighting. This time, Ammar got access again after his third try.

This little experiment suggests that certain lighting conditions could give kids access to their parents’ iPhone Xs, particularly if the kids bear much facial resemblance with their parents. Alfred Bayle/JB


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