WATCH: ‘Robodog’ SpotMini holds door open like a gentleman for fellow robot

Hey Buddy, Can You Give Me a Hand?

The last time SpotMini came into focus, Boston Dynamics showed off its new sleeker yellow appearance. This time around, it’s the optional arm’s turn in the spotlight.

SpotMini’s prototype version showed the arm could stay in place while the rest of the robot moved around. It is something that could come in handy to give humans a can of soda.

Boston Dynamics now demonstrates other uses for the arm’s flexibility by opening and holding a door open until someone or something else goes through.

It’s a simple task that we humans may take for granted. However, for robots and their designers, it still proves to be a challenge.

So for its accomplishments, and chivalry, let’s give a “hand” to Boston Dynamics’ SpotMini.  /ra


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