Porn sites offer free viewing of videos amid coronavirus outbreak stock photo
With everyone being encouraged to stay indoors and practice social distancing due to COVID-19, porn companies are offering free viewing of their content in select countries.
Pornhub announced on Twitter that it will be giving its Italian users free access to its premium services until April, while Japanese porn company Soft on Demand (SOD) will make available some 200 videos free for viewing on its website, as per Livedoor News via Kotaku today, March 14.
“Pornhub is donating its March proceeds from Modelhub to support Italy during this unfortunate time…,” the adult-content company stated on its Twitter page last Thursday, March 12.
Pornhub added, “Italy will also have free access to Pornhub Premium throughout the month.”
The Japanese porn site said that its initiative was in “support of those at home on alert,” according to the report.
After registering in SOD’s site, users can access its content for free. However, after the announcement, users reportedly complained on social media that the website crashed and could not be opened. Cha Lino /ra
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