As the coronavirus continues to affect more lives in the United States, the federal government looks to take more serious steps to reduce the spread. Image: AFP/Joseph Prezioso
Over this past day as of March 23, the following are the most commonly asked questions typed into Google Search related to COVID-19.
What was the name of the kingdom in “Tangled”?
Because Rapunzel’s kingdom, Corona, in Disney’s “Tangled” shares a name with the virus currently responsible for the global pandemic, conspiracy theories have been popping up online whether the movie foreshadowed the current COVID-19 outbreak.
What is the Stafford Act?
In response to a viral Facebook post outlining the possibility of United States President Donald Trump issuing a nationwide, two-week quarantine after invoking the Stafford Act, Americans have been searching what the law is; according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the law would enable the government to provide “disaster assistance to States, tribes, local governments, and certain private nonprofit organizations.”
What is a dry cough?
According to Healthline, a dry cough, “is a cough that doesn’t bring up mucus. It may feel like you have a tickle in the back of your throat triggering your cough reflex, giving you hacking coughs.” The World Health Organization states that a dry cough is a common symptom of a coronavirus infection.
What is martial law?
As more steps are being taken in the U.S. to reduce the spread of COVID-19, citizens have begun to wonder if martial law will be put into effect to control the people. According to Merriam-Webster, martial law is “the law administered by military forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency when the civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to maintain public order and safety.”
How many cases of coronavirus in the U.S.?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that 15,219 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the U.S. as of yesterday. RGA
Google capable of transcribing and instantly translating speech in eight languages
Google, Facebook, Reddit, more commit to jointly combat digital COVID-19 misinformation