Razer commits to face mask vending machines in Singapore


Image: courtesy of Razer via AFP Relaxnews

To hasten the distribution of protective face masks in the country as it experiences a resurgence in COVID-19 cases, the gaming equipment manufacturer Razer will be installing surgical mask-depositing vending machines throughout Singapore.

The company already dedicated some of its production facilities to making masks and now, in addition to the vending machines, Razer is also planning to double production to 10 million masks per month.

“The cashless, minimal contact delivery system of 20 vending machines will be deployed island-wide by June 1st” in malls and coworking centers.

All Singaporeans aged 16 and older will be able to get one mask free from the vending machines; in total, that amounts to about five million masks that will be allocated via Razer Pay, the company’s mobile wallet app, which will verify resident identities and give them a code for their free mask.

Each one is triple-layered and meets “the Bacterial and Viral Filtration Efficiency tests requirements of more than or equal to 95%.”

The produced masks that are not used in the vending machines will be given to healthcare workers first and then to the public.

Those who want to participate in vending machine beta testing — ahead of their official launch on June 1 — are able to sign up now. IB


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