Microsoft Is “Exploring” Ads For The Bing AI ChatBot
Microsoft is testing online ads for its Bing AI chat, according to its recent blog. It may seem trivial because advertising is everywhere on the internet.
However, it shows that artificial intelligence is becoming more mainstream as more companies want to promote products and services on AI platforms.
Microsoft says it is “exploring additional capabilities for publishers, including our more than 7,500 Microsoft Start partner brands.”
What would the Bing AI ads look like?
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Microsoft offered two early ideas about what the Bing AI ads may look like.
First, it proposed “an expanded hover experience where hovering over a link from a publisher displays more links from that publisher.”
In other words, putting your cursor over a website link shows more content from that website.
For example, let us say the Bing AI chatbot shows an Inquirer article about “AI text-to-image programs.”
Put your mouse cursor over that link, and a message might appear:
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Second, the chatbot may place a “rich caption of Microsoft Start licensed content beside the chat answer.”
The Microsoft Start program helps businesses grow via the tech firm’s services.
The Bing AI ads will allow these partners to drive more online traffic and engagement to their products and services.
Caitlin Roulston, a director of communications at Microsoft, confirms that Bing AI ads are under development.
However, Roulston noted, “Since the new Bing is in preview, there may be some variabillity in how it’s currently showing up….”
“…We’re still exploring new opportunities for ad experiences and will share more over time,” she added.
Why implement Bing AI ads?
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Microsoft says there are more than 100 million people using its Bing AI chatbot.
In response, the company realized it wants to make the technology more useful. As a result, it will put ads in the AI chatbot.
Wouldn’t that make the service worse? Contrary to popular belief, online ads enable everyone to make a living off the internet.
For example, have you noticed the recent rise of online influencers? Those people are able to earn from their content thanks to ads.
YouTubers place midroll ads in their videos to earn from videos. Meanwhile, those ads could help small businesses attract new customers.
Microsoft proved it knows the benefit of online advertising with this statement from its Bing AI ad webpage:
“We want to drive more traffic to publishers in this new world of search. It is a top goal for us….
“…and we measure success in part by how much traffic we are sending from the new Bing/Edge….”
“Second, we want to increase revenue to publishers. We seek to do this by both driving more traffic to them through new features like chat…”
“…and answers and by also pioneering the future of advertising in these new mediums as I will describe below.”
“Lastly, we want to go about this in collaborative fashion working with the industry to continue to foster a healthy ecosystem.”
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Bing AI ads are coming soon as Microsoft wants to make artificial intelligence more useful to businesses.
This decision proves that more people worldwide are using AI, encouraging businesses to leverage the technology.
It won’t be long before artificial intelligence takes over more aspects of daily life. Thrive amidst the rapidly changing digital trends by following Inquirer Tech.