Marcos to DICT: Boost internet connectivity in remote areas

MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand “Bongbong” R. Marcos Jr. ordered the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to establish internet connectivity in remote areas. 

The Philippine News Agency reports the President issued the directive during a sectoral meeting on the National Digital Connectivity Plan (NDCP) in Malacañang on Monday.

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“Let us establish first the connectivity. That’s more important than anything else,” Marcos said.

Marcos suggested launching the internet connectivity program in areas where the government can provide free Wi-Fi.

Specifically, the government could help by providing connections to government facilities to ensure a market for telecommunications companies. 

“We will now provide that market by giving [access] to government facilities, barangay offices, LGUs (local government units), etc. And that will establish the market,” Marcos said. 

“Once nasanay ang tao na mayroon ng ganyan, we can put them already. We can put the allowance for Wi-Fi already in the budget.” 

(Once the public gets used to having the facility, we can put them already. We can put the allowance for Wi-Fi already in the budget.)

“Kasi nandyan na. We can put it in the budget of the government agency. Maliit lang naman,” he added.”

(Because it is already set up. We can put it in the budget of the government agency. Also, it’s just a small amount.)

The NDCP will serve as the country’s strategic blueprint to bring universal and digital connectivity nationwide once the budget receives approval. 

Soon, it could become essential to creating a digital Philippines. 

Marcos recently approved the $288 million Philippine Digital Infrastructure Project.

Soon, it will bring high-speed internet connectivity to disadvantaged areas. 

In July, the DICT reported 13,462 free Wi-Fi sites in 1,401 Filipino cities and municipalities.