Elementalist Lux first multi-faceted skin for ‘League of Legends’
All 10 skins are available and can be switched around using a dial. Image Riot Games/League of Legends
A funky new skin is coming to popular online game “League of Legends.” But more than that, this new update is making a grand entrance by packing 10 different elemental skins in one package!
The skin is called Elementalist Lux, which is the first multi-faceted skin to be included in the game, and each individual costume will have its own elemental theme. The elements can be toggled using a dial that can be accessed by pressing a button atop the character photo.
This handy dial allows users to switch between the different Lux elemental skins. Image Riot Games/League of Legends
Several new skins have also been released for other heroes. They are Myrmidon Pantheon, Mad Scientist Ziggs, Fisherman Fizz and Pool Party Lulu.
On another note, a new set of free champions has been rotated and it includes Aatrox, Azir, Irelia, Kalista, Kassadin, Lulu, Nunu, Taric, Twitch and Volibear. Alfred Bayle