Man sentenced to 30 days in jail for accidental drone crash
An American man will serve time behind bars after accidentally knocking out a civilian with his drone. File photo
Drone flying has become the latest technological fad among remote-controlled vehicle enthusiasts. However, operating one in a reckless manner may lead to some legal complications.
Seattle, USA, native Paul Skinner has been sentenced to 30 days in prison after a June 2015 incident, in which a woman was knocked unconscious after being struck by a drone under his control.
According to Seattle Times, the 36-year-old aerial photographer flew his 2-pound, 18-by-18-inch drone during the Seattle Pride Parade and accidentally made contact with the 25-year-old victim.
While presiding Judge Willie Gregory recognized that the incident was purely accidental, he was still punished for “reckless endangerment” and for putting “substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury to another person.”
Aside from the prescribed jail time, Skinner will have to pay a $500 fine, the report said.
Meanwhile, Skinner’s lawyer, Jeffrey Kradel, contested that his client’s verdict was far too severe given the nature of the accident. He also suggested that authorities were simply making an example out of Skinner to scare other drone users.
Although there have been many recorded drone-related misdemeanors since its rampant use by the public a few years back, Skinner’s case is believed to be the first time a case resulted in significant time behind bars. Khristian Ibarrola /ra
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