Legendary Pokémon now available on Pokémon Go
Image: Twitter/@PokemonGoApp
Announced at the Pokémon Go Fest in Grant Park Chicago, Illinois, Legendary Pokémon Lugia are now out in the wild and ready for Pokémon Go trainers to catch, while Articuno will be available in Raid Battles.
As a bonus for being at Pokémon Go Fest, each of the attendees was given a free legendary Lugia in his or her account.
Article continues after this advertisementNiantic, the company behind Pokémon Go, also announced additional goodies beyond Pokémon Go Fest. Starting July 24, trainers will get double experience points, candy and stardust. There will be increased Pokémon encounters, as well as reduced hatching and buddy distance.
While these are big announcements for fans of Pokémon Go, the event in Chicago did not go as smoothly as people hoped.
Image: Twitter/@PokemonGoApp
Kotaku reported that many attendees had trouble getting into Pokémon Go Fest. A previous report stated that Niantic CEO John Hanke was booed by the crowd when he went up on stage to explain why many players were unable to connect to game servers during the event.
Article continues after this advertisementThe issues were eventually sorted out which included Niantic increasing the wireless range of Pokémon Go Fest to a two-mile radius around the festival grounds. Alfred Bayle /ra
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