NSA warns public to restart Android and iPhone devices weekly

NSA warns public to restart Android and iPhone devices weekly

/ 08:12 AM June 07, 2024

Online threats have been increasing as technology continues to improve. In response, the United States’ NSA warns the world of an essential cybersecurity method: restarting your phone weekly.

The National Security Agency says it can disrupt malware and viruses that may have entered your devices. Of course, the government body acknowledges that it is not a foolproof measure.

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Nonetheless, it can deter many harmful software applications. The NSA also provided additional steps to ensure online safety.


What are the NSA’s best practices for online devices?

PCMag says the NSA has shared this advisory in 2020. However, it resurfaced in a Forbes article due to evolving online threats like zero-click attacks and smishing messages.

Neal Ziring, the technical director for the NSA’s Capabilities Directorate, admitted to the Associated Press that rebooting a phone won’t deter more sophisticated schemes. 

“Since a lot of modern cyberattacks are [a] chain of two, three, or even more vulnerabilities in a row that have to be successfully exploited, you can reset the adversary back to the beginning of that chain and force them to go through the whole thing again,” he explained.

What are the NSA’s other recommendations?

This represents a smartphone following the NSA's cybersecurity measures.
Free stock photo from Pexels

The National Security Agency also recommended these other tips:

  1. Bluetooth: Disable Bluetooth when you are not using it. Airplane mode does not always disable this feature.
  2. Wi-Fi: Do not connect to public Wi-Fi networks. Disable Wi-Fi when unneeded. Delete unused Wi-Fi networks. 
  3. Control: Maintain physical control of the device. Avoid connecting to unknown removable media.
  4. Conversations: Do not have sensitive conversations in the vicinity of mobile devices not configured to handle secure voice.
  5. Biometrics: Consider biometric authentication for convenience to protect data with minimal sensitivity.
  6. Software Updates: Update the device software and applications as soon as possible.
  7. Applications: Install a few applications, but only ones from official application stores. Be cautious of the personal data entered into applications. Close applications when not in use.
  8. Passwords: Use strong lock-screen pins/passwords. A 6-digit PIN is sufficient if the device wipes itself after 10 incorrect password attempts. Set the device to lock automatically after five minutes. 
  9. Text Messages: Do not have sensitive conversations on personal devices, even if you think the content is generic.
  10. Attachments/Links: Do not open unknown email attachments and links. Even legitimate senders can pass on malicious content accidentally or as a result of being compromised or impersonated by a malicious actor.
  11. Location: Disable location services when not needed. Do not bring the device with you to sensitive locations.
  12. Modify: Do not jailbreak or root your device.
  13. Pop-ups: Unexpected pop-ups like this are usually malicious. If one appears forcibly close all applications. 
  14. Trusted Accessories: Only use original charging cords or charging accessories purchased from a trusted manufacturer. Do not use public USB charging stations. Never connect personal devices to government computers, whether via physical connection, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
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