WATCH: Japanese cop on a bike chases, pulls over Lamborghini
No one is above the law, as proven by a Japanese cop after chasing down and pulling over a Lamborghini Huracán, riding his trusty bicycle.
The Lamborghini driver had missed or ignored a traffic signal. A nearby traffic officer riding his bike saw the incident, and duly chased the sports car as it sped away, reported SoraNews24.
A footage of the chase had been shared on the YouTube channel comb318, known for hosting videos of traffic violations, ramen and landscapes, to name a few.
Despite the obvious horsepower of the supercar, the driver obediently followed the officer’s instructions and pulled over.
The officer could later be seen kneeling next to the driver’s window, supposedly writing a ticket and explaining to the driver what he did wrong.
Netizens posted ineresting comments:
“I thought it was gonna be a motorcycle cop, but nope, it’s a bicycle cop!”
“Man, getting caught by a cop on a housewife-style chari bike? That’s gotta be embarrassing.”
“Whoa, catching a Lamborghini on a bicycle? This guy deserves a medal.”
“It’s really polite how the cop kneels down so that he can talk to the driver at eye-level.”
The video has garnered over one million views, as of this writing.
Image: Viz Media
Perhaps the officer took some inspiration from comic book hero Mumen Rider, from the Japanese manga and anime series “One Punch Man”. Alfred Bayle/JB
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