‘NieR’ remake returns to franchise origins
“NieR Replicant”, a new way to explore the origins of “NieR Automata”. Image: Square Enix via AFP Relaxnews
After the successes of 2017’s mind-bending action game “NieR Automata”, the franchise’s 2010 debut is being remade and a mobile game is on the way.
A 10-hour, 10th-anniversary stream for the recently revitalized “NieR” franchise contained news on two more games and the addition of 2017 sequel “NieR Automata” to Xbox Game Pass.
“NieR: Replicant ver.1.22474487139…” is an upgraded version of the original, according to publisher Square Enix.
The 2010 game was released in two versions in Japan, “NieR: Gestalt” (in which the main character was a father caring for his sick daughter) and “NieR: Replicant” (a brother looking after his unwell sister).
Back then, it was “NieR: Gestalt” that was released internationally, but it’s the other edition, “NieR: Replicant”, that forms the basis of this new upgrade.
Both of them had four different perspective-shifting endings that players could discover on subsequent playthroughs.
(“NieR: Automata” contained a dizzying 26 endings, five of which are considered relevant to the plot.)
It’s not yet certain whether the “NieR” conversion team will be adding to those; discussions are ongoing. However, voiceovers and music will be re-recorded and some new characters will be introduced.
Both were expectation-exceeding, genre-defying adventures couched in a high-stakes, emotional storyline; they explored the practical consequences of lofty philosophical ideas while players battered bizarre enemies in post-apocalyptic landscapes.
Release timing for the new “NieR: Replicant” was not announced.
The franchise’s 10th anniversary occurs the week of April 22, 2020.
However, as the possibility of new endings has not been settled, and given the conceptual look of the remake’s trailer, it would seem that development is ongoing; availability on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X releases wouldn’t seem too fanciful, especially given the new consoles’ compatibility with PS4 and XBO titles. JB
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