‘Final Fantasy’ porn searches spike by 7,000% after video game release
“Final Fantasy VII” characters Cloud and Aerith. Image: Square Enix
Gamers appear to be taking out their excitement for the “Final Fantasy VII” remake beyond just their PlayStations.
“Final Fantasy VII”, an action role-playing game (RPG), first came to PlayStations in 1997. Video game developer Square Enix is releasing the remake as a multi-part series, with the first part dropped on April 10 for PlayStation 4.
Since then, “Final Fantasy” has had over a million related searches on Pornhub, the adult video site stated on Wednesday, April 15. Searches for the video game series peaked on April 13 by 7,631% compared to the average number of searches in March 2020.
Image: Pornhub Insights
The top search term in the category is “Final Fantasy 7”, while the most searched character is Tifa, followed by Aerith, Lightning, Yuna and Lulu, according to the porn site’s statistics.
Men have been making 58% more of the “Final Fantasy” searches than women. Viewers in the age bracket 18 to 24 are also more likely to use the search term.
Even prior to the 2020 “Final Fantasy VII” remake, “Final Fantasy” was one of the top-searched video games in 2019, Pornhub said in its year-end report. It placed 15th while first-person shooter game “Overwatch” topped the list. JB
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