From ChatGPT to Cha-Ching: Inspiring Chatbot Success Stories

ChatGPT has been helping individuals and businesses streamline their operations, automate their customer service, and enhance their user experience. However, it can be difficult to see its potential when most sources warn of its risks. Look closely to see how you can improve your life with artificial intelligence.

For example, SEO strategist Shawn Hill made a chatbot in two days and sold it for $10,000. Author Ammaar Reshi wrote a children’s book with ChatGPT. Moreover, local governments and businesses use it to improve their products and services. Read more to see what you can do with the AI chatbot.

This article will share some inspiring chatbot success stories from real-life individuals and companies who have reached success with ChatGPT. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, marketer, or simply curious about the latest AI technology, this post will offer valuable insights and inspiration.

The 5 most inspiring chatbot stories

  1. Ammaar Reshi’s children’s book
  2. Shawn Hill makes chatbot in two days
  3. Larry Lundstrom pitch decks
  4. Central Texas government chatbot
  5. American Express improved customer marketing

1. Ammaar Reshi’s children’s book

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Ammaar Reshi, a product design manager at a fintech firm in San Francisco, said he had little experience in creative writing and illustration. Yet, he did not let that discourage him from writing a children’s book.

In December 2022, he used ChatGPT to write “Alice and Sparkle.” It is about a girl named Alice who wants to learn more about the tech world. She journeys with her robot friend, Sparkle. Then, he used the AI art generator Midjourney to illustrate it.

Believe it or not, the bot program helped him finish the book in 72 hours! Later, Reshi made the paperback using a free Amazon service called KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). He said he paid nothing to create and publish Alice and Sparkle. Yet, the chatbot helped him publish his first book.

2. Shawn Hill makes a chatbot in two days

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Another SEO expert named Shawn Hill found a way to earn money with ChatGPT. Similar to Reshi, he wasn’t confident in making a chatbot himself. Fortunately, ChatGPT helped him code the bot. Even better, it reduced the development time, enabling her to write it in two days.

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Chatbots are complicated programs that usually take more than a couple of days to complete if you write them yourself. Then, Hill sold it to, a plagiarism and AI detector.

Believe it or not, Hill earned $10,000 from it. Also, he scored a bologna sandwich and met new friends. You can learn more about his story from his Twitter page.

3. Larry Lundstrom pitch decks

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Lundstrom is a pastor and tech leader from Texas who used ChatGPT to make and sell pitch decks. These are presentations that companies use to secure funding for their latest projects.

Think of the demonstrations Shark Tank contestants do. Also, a pitch deck encourages a team to work towards a common goal. Back then, making these presentations take a significant amount of time.

Larry Lundstrom found a way to expedite the creation of pitch decks using ChatGPT. He adds two or three pitch decks, depending on their complexity and length. Each one earns him $500 to $1,000!

4. Central Texas government chatbot

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Workforce Solutions of Central Texas (WSCT) is one of 28 regional workforce development boards providing employer and employee assistance. It used chatbots to meet increased demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The organization received more L1 citizen support conversations as more people lost their jobs. L1 queries refer to simple and repetitive questions.

They are similar to FAQs for private companies. The government organization used a chatbot to ensure 24/7 quick responses. As a result, the WSCT increased its goal completion rate by 11%.

5. American Express improved customer marketing with chatbots

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American Express is a well-known US bank founded in 1850. Nowadays, it has numerous locations worldwide, including India. Its branch in that country relied heavily on SMS campaigns.

It enabled the financial institution to send messages directly to customers, boasting a 90% open rate. In other words, 9 out of 10 people who receive SMS texts open them.

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Eventually, people became tired of being spammed with these messages. They immediately deleted texts seconds after reading them. As a result, messages couldn’t compel people into using American Express. Fortunately, it improved SMS marketing with chatbots.

Amex India’s messages included links to its chat program. As a result, it boosted its goal completion rate by 49.3%. Also, the bank implemented bots for application completion reminders and card delivery address collection.


Chatbots enable private companies and government organizations to improve their products and services. Some use it to create new customer experiences. Nowadays, you can do the same because ChatGPT is free.

Also, other AI chatbots offer additional features at affordable prices. Hopefully, these chatbot success stories inspired you to take advantage of this emerging technology.

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Frequently asked questions about chatbot success stories

Who are some examples of chatbot success stories?

Product design manager Ammaar Reshi used OpenAI’s bot to write and publish his first children’s book in three days. Also, Shawn Hill used it to create a chatbot in two days and sell it for $10,000. Singapore-based Filipino software engineer Denz Del Villar used it to promote Philippine tourism with the My Philippines Travel Level website.

How can chatbots improve customer experience?

Chat programs improve customer service by providing 24/7 support. They can answer FAQs during late hours so that a company’s agents can focus on more important concerns. Also, they can collect customer feedback and information. As a result, businesses can improve their marketing and sales strategies.

How much does it cost to implement a chatbot?

The cost of implementing a chatbot depends on the complexity of the chatbot. Also, you must consider the features you want and the development platform you choose. It can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. You may create and implement one for free with ChatGPT, but you must have some technical know-how and time.